Nigerian Internet Hub NameEducation and Biblical Principles of Business

Overall Plan for Establishing an Internet Hub in a Calabar (Investigating possible locations)


We aim to create an Internet Hub in a church in Calabar, Nigeria, using Elon Musk’s Starlink technology. The primary objective is to empower budding entrepreneurs with access to high-speed internet and educational resources. We plan to operate under a budget of approximately $12,500, raised through fundraising campaigns and partnerships.

Strategy Overview:

The project will be executed in three phases over the course of 12 months.

Phase 1: Planning and Fundraising (Months 1-3)


Conduct a feasibility study

Secure partnerships

Raise funds


Community Consultation:

Design and distribute surveys to identify needs and interests.

Host a town-hall meeting to engage the community and gather feedback.

Budget: $250


Approach local businesses and government entities for support.

Leverage existing relationships within the Newtolds Pty Ltd network.

Budget: $250


Launch a fundraising campaign online.

Promote through social media, church bulletins, and word-of-mouth.

Budget: $500 for promotional materials

Phase 2: Infrastructure and Program Development (Months 4-6)


Acquire and install the Starlink Kit

Develop the training program

Complete the hub setup


Acquisition of Starlink Kit:

Purchase the Starlink Kit (Dish, modem, router).

Budget: $624 (25% increased cost from $499)


Contract technicians for the installation of the Starlink Kit.

Budget: $250 (25% increased cost from $200)

Venue Setup:

Furnish the designated area within the church with tables, chairs, and other necessities.

Budget: $1,875 (25% increased cost from $1,500)

Training Program Development:

Design a curriculum focusing on entrepreneurship and business basics and biblical principles of Business

Budget: $375 (25% increased cost from $300)

Phase 3: Implementation and Operations (Months 7-12)


Soft launch of the hub

Public launch

Operations and Monitoring


Soft Launch:


Invite a beta group to test the facilities and the program.

Budget: $375 (25% increased cost from $300)

Public Launch:

Officially open the hub to the public.

Budget: Included in soft launch costs

Operations and Maintenance:


Regularly update the software, maintain the hardware, and address other operational necessities.

Budget: $2,110 Annual (25% increased cost from $1,688)

Monitoring and Feedback:


Employ simple analytics tools to track user engagement and the effectiveness of the program.

Conduct regular surveys and community check-ins.

Budget: $625 (allocated from initial fundraising)

By meticulously planning and executing each phase, we hope to create a long-lasting impact that will resonate with our community in Calabar. We invite you to be a part of this vision and help make it a reality.


Additional comments;

This could also double as a food shop providing meals for children in the community and needs but as a meeting place for local businesses and students.


God bless our joint endeavours for a better future.



The Board of Directors

Newtolds Pty Ltd.